Mission Trip 2019

Thirteen of us traveled to the southwest corner of West Virginia (Hatfield country-the McCoys are primarily in Kentucky). Three Presbyterian churches were represented. Gary Earnley led the expedition and with wisdom and foresight, formed us into three working teams. Thank you, Gary.

What we discovered in West Virginia. People either captured by hopelessness and poverty or people living out courage based on trust in God’s provision.

The work we did - trailer repair, skirting, paneling, roof replacement, soffit installation, and window replacement - were the opportunities to interact with folk living out of trust in Jesus and also people so pushed down by economics of the coal industry, drug abuse, and addiction that depression feels normal.

Perhaps going and serving is one of the ways God uses to open our eyes. Can we see these folk both with empathy and with appreciation? Also, perhaps our eyes are opened to blessings we take for granted. As we return home maybe we will be sensitized to others struggling as well in economics that have left them behind.

Pastor Paul